1. Information
  2. Languages
  3. Navigation
  4. Announcements
  5. Lists
  6. Privacy Statement

This page details all of the side tabs listed under the "Setup" tab of the Website Settings page.


This section deals with the optional "Information" sidebar on your journal's website, and should provide a concise overview of your policies of interest to three distinct groups: readers, authors, and librarians. All of these boxes will be loaded with default statements, which you can choose to leave unaltered or edit to suit your journal's needs. Be sure to link to policies and pages in order to conserve space. 


The only information listed on this page is a list of languages technically supported and read by the OJS 3 system. For now, IUScholarWorks is primarily supporting journals in English, so don't disable or enable anything on this page.


The first box on this page will allow you to manage your existing Navigation Menus. There are two navigation menus you can edit: the "Dashboard" menu for your OJS 3 dashboard and internal user navigation, as seen here:

and the "Public" menu for your journal homepage and public website, as seen on your journal's homepage:

You can edit or remove these two menus by selecting the small blue arrow directly to the left of the menu's name. 

Here we are taking a look at the edit screen for the default "Public" menu of your journal's website. This is the navigation menu that your users will interact with the most, and thus should reflect the priorities of your journal. The "Title" and "Active Theme Navigation Areas" boxes are for users of OJS 3 exclusively and will not appear to viewers of your journal's website. "Active Theme Navigation Areas" offers the most important designation of the menu as either "Primary" or "User". The "Primary" area refers to your journal's public homepage and website, whereas "User" area refers to the internal dashboard and navigation menu for OJS 3. You can then drag the various items to reorder the current menu, or move items to the assigned or unassigned boxes. If you wish to add an item that is not available on this list, check the section below for instructions. 

Here is how the above Navigation Menu appears to viewers on the journal's website. Since there is no content in "Announcements", the link does not appear on your menu, but it will appear as soon as any content is added.

The "Navigation Menu Items" box lists the current items that can be assigned or unassigned on your navigation menus. To edit an existing item, click on the "Edit" button under the blue arrow next to the item's name. To add new items, click the blue "Add item" link in the upper right corner of the box. 

After selecting "Add item" in the upper right corner of the "Navigation Menu Items" box, you will be required to submit a Title and URL for your new menu item.


In this tab, you will be able to enable announcements for your journal.

Once enabled, announcements will be stored in a separate tab. On this page, you can write an introduction, or text that will appear permanently on your announcements page, as well as set the number of active announcements you want displayed on your homepage at one time.

One Announcements are enabled, you will notice a new major tab on the left side of your screen, titled "Announcements":

Before you create announcements for your new page, you will need to have various Announcement Types ready in order to organize your page. Edit or remove your existing Announcement Types by clicking the small blue arrow to the right of the title. Add a new type by clicking "Add Announcement Type" in the right-hand corner. 

All you will need to create a new type of announcement is a name. Make sure your types will be consistently used and well defined. 

Now that you have your various Announcement Types, you can manage your actual Announcements that will apear on your journal's website. Edit or remove your posted announcement by clicking the small blue arrow to the right of the announcement's title. Add a new announcement by clicking "Add Announcement" in the right-hand corner. 

The "Add Anouncement" pop-up window will immediately ask you to sort by Announcement Type, so make sure you have a type that corresponds with the announcement you wish to make. After inputting the announcement's title, write a short description. This description will appear as a quick summary of the announcement below a link to the entire description (which lies on a separate page). 

The last two items in this box will ask you to set an expiration date for your announcement and enable email notifications of announcements for your users. The expiration date field will bring up a calender for you to choose a date whenthe anouncement will stop being publicly visible, but all anouncements will be listed under the "Announcements" box until manually removed by the journal manager. 


The "Lists" tab allows you to set the number of items that can be listed on a single page. This can be a great way to either limit page lengths, or to ensure as many items as possible appear on a page if you need to search text. 

Privacy Statement

Here, you can edit the privacy statement all journal users agree to when creating a user account. The default statement should cover any legal requirements; feel free to add additional language if your users (especially those abroad) require additional warnings or regulations.

Questions? Contact us at iusw@indiana.edu.

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